10 Tips how to save energy on electronics

  1. Avoid energy vampires. Even when they’re turned off, home electronics in “standby” mode use energy to power features like clock displays.
  2. Look for ENERGY STAR-qualified TVs – they’re up to 30 percent more efficient than noncertified models.
  3. Consider a laptop next time you're looking to buy a computer – they use less energy than desktop computers.
  4. Set your computer to sleep or hibernate mode instead of using a screen saver so it uses less electricity during periods of inactivity.
  5. Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use. Many chargers draw power continuously, even when the device is not plugged into the charger.
  6. Use Power Strips, a power strip makes it easy to turn them all off with one click.
  7. Shut Off Your Computer at Night, powering down your computer completely every night uses 50 percent less energy than sleep mode.
  8. Reduce Your TV brightness, dialing down the brightness a little can conserve 15 percent more energy every time you use it.
  9. Make sure your printer is turned off at mains when it is not been used.
  10. If you have games console put in on the energy saving setting, most of them do have one.

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